About this site

Bateman Agronomy is an independent publication launched to provide information that is free to subscribe to on growing plants, crops, orchids, backyard gardens or even just indoor plants. In the soil there is a whole world of chemistry and science, the plants that call it home have chaotic yet brilliant mechanisms to survive and thrive in the soil, the air they utilize provide them with energy and the building blocks to grow . This blog will explore as many of the different aspects of agriculture as possible, mostly relevant to the science and biology of plant nutrition and protection.

About me

My name is Bill Bateman and I am an Agronomist. I provide a service to farmers to help them achieve their goals whether that be to expand their enterprise, create a crop plan for the year or to assist them with issues they may be facing out in the field. I specialize in plant nutrition, protection and optimization and provide my information to anyone who is willing to listen. Even though I have learnt so much, there is always more to learn!

Fresh content, delivered

Through this blog I wish to share the learning experiences in agriculture I have had and the new experiences in the future. There will be a fresh post every week that I hope may not only make you a better grower but to be more open minded about the environment and new ideas. Subscribing to this website is free and is a way you can show me your support and have access to when blogs are released onto the website. If you wish to know a about a particular topic or aspect of growing, agriculture or the biology of plants please feel free to contact me via email @ batemanagronomyservices@gmail.com